
May ’14 News

I've been surprisingly busy after my return from maternity leave and it's been nice to be working again.  It's reminded me how lucky I am to be doing a job I love, to be visiting amazing and diverse places and meeting really interesting people.

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September 14 News

As autumn rolls around again, I am back to full time availability and looking forward to getting stuck into some new challenges.  I love this time of year, especially seeing the leaves change and also knowing I'll be able to snuggle back into my woolly jumpers soon. 

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July ’14 News

I generally feel infallible behind the camera! But when Simba the lion roared his deafening roar, shook his majestic mane and then covered me with raw horse meat saliva, I began to feel the reality of the situation!  Diane, who started work...

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July ’13 News

The last few months have been a busy time for work and I've had some really interesting jobs.  For starters I photographed "The Dambusters 70: After me, the Flood'' for BBC Lincolnshire.  I can't wait to show you those pics...

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April 13 News

Hello to all my lovely clients.  I hope you managed to enjoy the Easter break despite the arctic weather conditions.  It's been so snowy here in Yorkshire that my little boy kept asking when Santa was coming. Back in September I enjoyed meeting and photographing Gaynor Faye...

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February ’13 News

Did you miss me?  I've decided to go bi-monthly so that I can always send you jam packed newsletters.  The start of the year got off to a flying start for me, with a very busy January.  Shoots ranged from hot cross buns to Helen Flanagan...

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December ’12 News

I'd like to wish you all fabulous Christmas and I hope you all get the chance to have a nice rest and put your feet up over the festive break.  I'm having a quiet month so I'm finally on top of all my paperwork and I've even had time to move the office furniture around and do a bit of dusting...

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November 12 News

Hello, I'm so relieved that all my shoots have been indoors this November, no cold toes, no dripping nose and no frozen fingers (as yet anyway - you're probably all waiting for December - eek!).  November has been a busy month for me...

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    Get in touch

    T: 01484 512484M: 07946 543 566
    Contact Claire Wood Photography

    We’ve used Claire for both fundraising campaigns and at events and have always been impressed with the quality of her work. Claire is:

    • easy to work with;

    • friendly, and;

    • professional.

    “We trust that she will not only complete a brief but also go above and beyond!”

    Trudy Boulert, Digital Communications Officer – Debra

    Contact Claire Wood Photography

    “As the owner of a creative design agency, I know how important it is to work with photographers who know what they are doing but also add that extra something. Claire is someone who adds that extra something. Having worked with her on and off over the past 15 years, I have no hesitation in recommending her.”

    Paul Grogan, Think Design Manchester

    Contact Claire Wood Photography

    “As Design Manager at Manchester Art Gallery I am responsible for producing strong gallery branded communications. Claire was initially commissioned to provide our brand photography, communicating our values: welcoming, warm, fun and engaging. She continued to work with us over a 6 year period. She has produced exceptional shots for us. A good director, she works well with models (our models are our visitors), is highly professional, delivers great work, on time. Claire works incredibly hard to get the best shots, the end result is beautiful photography. I would not hesitate to recommend her.”

    Pauline Minsky, Design Manager, Manchester Art Gallery

    Contact Claire Wood Photography

    “Glorious Creative have been commissioning Claire since 2004. Projects range from EN magazine, where Claire helped establish the magazine’s photographic style as well as produce a whole range of interesting cover portraits, to work for the NWDA, Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Lees Solicitors and the Manchester Urology Group. She always brings enthusiasm and commitment to every project and has that rare ability to relax her subjects to ensure she captures great images. Glorious would have no hesitation recommending Claire.”

    Mark Ross – Design Director of Glorious Creative

    Contact Claire Wood Photography

    “I’ve been working with Claire for a few years now and each and every time we get Claire in she does her best to get exactly what we are looking for. Always prompt, professional and a pleasure to work with. Shots are sent over so quickly after the shoot for proofing so gives us the flexibility to use the shots straight away.”

    Lynsey Thompson, Events and Campaign Co-ordinator, Datel